Video Animation Services

Mr.Founder animation

Steal Your Competitors Audience With

2D & 3D Animated


This is the best thing that could've happened to your channel and/or your business!

The way people consume content has always been evolving.

→From textbooks to blogs. → From blogs to tweets. → From boring pre-recorded video content to engaging 2D &3D animations.

Today, 66% of consumers prefer to watch videos about products/services rather than read about them.

And this is the best thing that could've happened to your channel and/or your business

Why choose

this method?

Your competitors are still stubbornly embracing the analog way of publishing their campaign assets with:

  1. Physical books/ magazines / Flyers
  2. Dull online and offline press releases
  3. Hours worth of boring pre-recorded educational videos
  4. Dry animated videos produced by subpar animators
Mr.Founder options
Mr.Founder opportunities

It's the best

opportunity For You

With the rise in popularity of 2D & 3D animation you now have the opportunity to:

  1. Steal your competitors' audience
  2. Grow your audience
  3. Retain your audience
  4. Increase your brand awareness
  5. Increase your sales

And with

Mr. Found3r's

storytelling abilities

Along with our engineering approach we can produce state-of-the-art educational 2d and 3d animations that can help explain complex subjects to your audience.

We've created thousands of animated videos for companies around the world.

Our strength lies in our storytelling abilities and our engineering approach to producing complex educational content.

We have the experience, skills, and tools to be able to take your ideas and turn them into something amazing!

We Produce 2D & 3D

eLearning Videos

and more for Startups and Enterprises



can we do

for you?



Need an explainer video, but you don't know where to start?

Product Demo


You have a great product but don't know how to explain it in a way that your customers will understand?



You know you need to be using video in your marketing, but you don’t have the time or resources to make it happen.

Phone with apps

The Way People

consume content

has Always Been Evolving

We now live in a fast-paced generation where people prefer to consume content in bite-sized formats.

That's why 350+ page textbooks were replaced with 12-minute blog posts. Blogs were then replaced with 280-character Tweets.

Pretty soon, a 1-hour educational pre-recorded video - like books and blog posts - will rarely be consumed.

But thanks to this evolution in content consumption, you now have a new opportunity that you've never had before.

The Shift From Recorded Videos To

2D & 3D Animation Is The Best Thing

That Could've Happened To You

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Video animation has become one of the most popular forms of communication because it engages people emotionally.

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Meaning they remember what they see more clearly than if they read it or heard about it from someone else simply talking about it on a video.

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And research has proven that a staggering 66% of consumers prefer watching videos about products/services than reading about them!

Already Using

Animated Videos

But Still Not Getting Results?

It can be hard to find the time to create videos that are both high quality and communicate your message perfectly.

Not only do you need the time and resources, but you also need the skill set to produce compelling videos.

And lone freelancers or even an agency without the experiences and know-how will not be able to produce the quality of videos that brings results.

Because what you need is a team that can produce engaging, high-quality videos that can make complex educational content easy to consume.

phone with animated apps
Mr.Founder animation

Reach New Heights With

Video Animation Now

Whether you're a Youtube content creator, a startup, or a COO of a company looking to achieve success using animated videos, we got you!

We have a 100% Money-Back Guarantee in case you're not satisfied with our services.

And not only will we give you a full refund, but we'll also give you $100 for wasting your time.

So schedule a call now and let's start producing 2D & 3D animated videos to you need to help your channel or business:

Steal your competitor's audience

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Build brand awareness

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Increase sales

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Educate your audience

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