Our Mission

Toasting Champagne On A Yacht 10 Years From Now

Our Mission Banner

We are not a big fan of “Mission” and “Vision” statements.

We think they’re just pretentious messages.

Messages that no consumer/client or employee has ever bothered themselves to read.

With the purpose of having content written inside those picture frames that businesses hang in their lobby.

Mission and Vision

Our Mission Is To Turn Our Vision Into A Reality

You’re an entrepreneur or business owner.

You probably know that a business's mission is to make money.

And their vision is to make even more money.

Otherwise, they’ll be called a Non-Profit Organization and NOT a business.

But if you were to ask us what Mr. Found3r’s vision is…

Then we’d say we vision our clients and us, toasting champagne on a yacht decades from now.

That picture in our head of us toasting to the success of our clients...

And our mission is to make that vision become a reality.

To be toasting champagne on a yacht with you 10 years from now.


That’s it.

That’s our mission and vision statement.

No trying to change or save the world, unfortunately.

No eliminating poverty.

Just us and our vanity, pride, and ego…

To see the faces of smiling clients on a yacht…

While we toast to their success…

Knowing full well that Mr. Found3r is the reason behind it…

And knowing full well that they know that…

If it wasn’t because of Mr. Found3r’s help 10 years ago…

They wouldn’t have reached the success they’re amassing.

We are confident that this vision is possible.

That’s because we have a proven system that can eradicate the 3 major issues that are draining businesses (big or small) dry of their valuable resources.

And that’s Mr. Found3r’s
Convergence System™

But 1st, a little something about our founder..

Meet Our Founder

My name is Ricky Flores and I’m an engineer and entrepreneur.

I’ve also worked for corporate America for 7 years.

And working on different projects with Apple, Samsung, & Texas Instruments, I’ve seen firsthand how the 3 issues have made them lose millions of dollars and thousands of hours in manpower.

Think about it…

Ricky Flores

If these juggernaut corporations can afford to pay the best consultants, HRs, talent, etc.

But they still continue to have these 3 issues.

Then small marketing agencies and startup enterprises will most certainly deal with these 3 resource-draining issues too.

Those 3 issues being…

  • The disconnect between their marketing and engineering team.
  • Building their team from scratch over and over again due to the inevitable employee turnovers.
  • And, the inevitable employee burnout.

I myself have paid a huge price to deal with these 3 issues.

If you would like to learn more about our convergence system or work with us, click the link below.