We understand that your business, whether a tech startup, e-commerce business, educational institution, non-profit organization, real estate company, publishing house, restaurant, hospitality business, or a marketing/advertising agency, craves highly competent professionals. 

Mr. Found3r provides skilled Full Stack Developers, Back End Developers, Front End Developers, Video Animators, and Graphic Designers, perfectly attuned to your needs.

Yet, we do not stop at simply providing you with the crème de la crème of the talent pool. 

We ensure these brilliant minds blossom and integrate seamlessly into your organization. 

This is made possible with our exclusive service, the 3 Month Post Hire Supervision (3PMS).

And we pride ourselves in saying that we are the only one that does this and that we spend an enormous amount of our resources to implement the 3 Month Post-Hire Supervision.

Here’s why the 3PMS is crucial for your business:

Minimized Risk

You’ve hired a talented video animator who has created remarkable content for major brands. 

However, in her previous role, she was used to getting feedback once a month, while your e-commerce business needs constant updates for product videos. 

In our 3PMS model, she would be supervised by a senior animator with decades of experience, who can guide her to align with your faster feedback cycle, preventing miscommunications and ensuring smooth operations.

Maximized Efficiency

You onboard a skilled back-end developer for your tech startup. 

He is a pro at coding but struggles with the rapid pivoting that startups often require. Here, our 3PMS comes into play. 

His work would be overseen by our senior back-end developer, who, with years of startup experience, can help him adapt to the dynamic startup ecosystem, thus speeding up project execution.

Continuous Improvement

Your non-profit organization hires an accomplished graphic designer, adept in both print and digital media, having created memorable campaigns in his previous role. 

However, your organization follows a specific digital style guide, and the designer, despite his skills, needs guidance to embrace your unique branding language fully. 

In our 3PMS framework, a senior graphic designer, intimately familiar with your style guide, will work alongside him. 

They will assist in translating his excellent design skills into the unique language of your brand, ensuring his talent continues to enrich your digital presence seamlessly.

Reduced Turnover

Your educational institution has employed a top-notch front-end developer. 

She is passionate about her work but is used to working in corporate settings and struggles to grasp the impact her coding has on the learning experience. 

In our 3PMS framework, a senior developer with extensive educational sector experience would mentor her, helping her see how her coding affects the educational outcomes, thus enhancing job satisfaction and reducing turnover.

Through these real-world scenarios, you can see how even the most talented hires can face challenges in adjusting to new work environments. 

Our unique 3PMS ensures these initial hurdles are seamlessly managed, preventing disruptions and potential financial and time losses.

Mr. Found3r’s 3PMS isn’t just an add-on service, it’s a strategic partnership that safeguards your business from potential pitfalls and ensures your newly-hired talent is fully utilized for your success.

We’re excited to guide you through it!

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